Monday, September 2, 2013


This summer I had the awesome opportunity to attend an art teacher camp sponsored by KAEA.  We were allowed to choose from a few options including oil pastels, sculpture, or fiber arts.  I chose fiber arts.  This workshop was taught by Marilyn from the Fiber Studio in Wichita, KS.  I learned a lot and was able to finish five pieces in two days!

We started out with a piece of heavy fusible interfacing that was about 6 by 9 inches.  We then began to cut up bits of various weights and textures of fibers to create a composition.
We then added a piece of black tulle over the top of the fiber pieces.  With a warm ironing, the pieces were loosely attached so that we could begin stitching through the layers using decorative threads.

The stitching was done on the sewing machine with a special embroidery foot and lowered or covered feed dogs.  After stitching through the layers, we could add more decorative fibers on top and/or a finished edging.
I had tons of fun coming up with a variety of different composition possibilities and playing with all of the fibers!  I am very glad I was able to learn a new skill and another artful use for my sewing machine!

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